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Ambiente Trends 2019 EN

Global style: The most important trade fair for the consumer goods industry showcases the lifestyles and products that are shaping the market. Each year, Stilbüro bora.herke.palmisano researches worldwide directions in design, art and fashion for Ambiente. Based on these findings, the agency’s designers and trend researchers define the three most important styles.

Claudia Herke from Stilbüro bora.herke.palmisano in interview

Achieve added value through inspiration and an on-trend product mix

Be one step ahead of the market

Decorate shop windows and point of sale with contemporary style

Hold successful sales conversations based on style and trend knowledge

Download trend brochure and photo documentation now

Gain a knowledge edge

‘Tasteful Residence’, ‘Quiet Surrounding’ and ‘Joyfilled Ambience’ – the 2019/20 trends are made tangible in three style worlds using product combinations, arrangements and showcases. This practically oriented presentation covers all areas, including table, kitchen and household products, gift items and personal accessories, as well as products from the home, furnishing and decoration sectors. Retailers from all segments will find practical ideas on how to put together their product ranges for the coming year. They can discover the shapes, colours and materials that will inspire their customers. Gain inspiration for decorations at point of sale and benefit from ideas for the contemporary positioning of your company.

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